why should I read this blog?

A reminder that reflections can show us hidden truths, courtesy of the Grand Canyon.

A reminder that reflections can show us hidden truths, courtesy of the Grand Canyon.

Here's the short answer: Read if you want to live more cheaply, or more simply, or with less impact on the world. Read if you want to find more time in your day for you. Read if you're tired of finding out that the companies you buy stuff from have been using child labor or ignoring environmental regulations or supporting political candidates who don't share your values. Read if you don't have enough time or energy to sift through all the environmental or social implications of what you buy, how you travel, what you eat, or what you do for fun - but you wish you did. And tell your friends to read if any of this rings true for them.

Most of what I share here will be resources. These resources are all united by one thing: they're designed to help make your life simpler, cheaper, more fulfilling, or just plain easier. Or all of the above.

In each entry I'll introduce an idea, tool, or resource that people have been using and enjoying, often for years. Some will be right for you. Some won't. Some will help you keep track of things like your budget, your gas mileage, or your music. Some may transform your life. Who knows? Some of them changed mine.

And if something I suggest works well for you, or if it doesn't, let me know! Ask questions. Criticize. Don't be shy. Sustainability is only possible when it satisfies people like you and me, lets us live comfortable, happy, fulfilling lives, AND meets the requirements of our planet.

Let's make sure it does all that. And enjoy life a little more while we do.